Photographing Your House
Beautiful photographs are an essential part of marketing any property. Below, we have outlined some key tips to getting the most out of our time so we can do the best possible job for you.

The key photos for any shoot will be the master bedroom and ensuite, a double bedroom, family bathroom, kitchen, dining room, sitting room and garden.
We will rarely need to photograph the inside of a garage, utility room or shed, so we suggest using these spaces to hide your clutter for the duration of the photo shoot.
Light is crucial! Open all curtains and blinds, but keep windows closed to allow for the best symmetry in a photo.
We love your furry friends, but dogs and cats can be a turn off for some potential buyers/renters. Please make sure you keep pets away during the photo shoot and hide the evidence (dog bowls, etc).
When photographing the kitchen a clean look is most desirable. Whilst a fresh fruit bowl and a tasteful bunch of flowers is an advantage, other items can be a distraction to the eye. Clear away all food, cleaning products, electronic devices (such as mobile phones and laptops), chargers, fridge magnets, children’s artwork, etc. Put away recycling bins and food waste. Kettles and toasters can remain.
In entrance halls and sitting rooms please tidy away all clutter. Remove piles of post from sight, telephone directories, magazines and newspapers must be put away. Television and other cables must be tidily managed so as not to distract the eye. Birthday cards and other things that may ‘clutter’ should be out of sight. If it’s during the Christmas period make sure no decorations (including Christmas trees) are in any of the rooms being photographed as they clearly date your house sale!

When it comes to your bathroom don’t forget your toothbrush!....Or your greying flannel, Head and Shoulders bottle, athletes foot cream, toilet brush, etc. Just leave a couple of neutral coloured and neatly folded towels and perhaps a nice candle.
Don’t air your dirty laundry in public! Please ensure all your clothes and shoes are put away in the main bedroom that will be photographed, along with any medication, electric leads, books, sporting equipment, etc.
For garden shots, please ensure the lawn has be mowed and unsightly items such as children’s toys and bikes are put away in sheds. Preferably remove trampolines. Hide the bins and hose pipes too. If you have nice garden furniture uncover it and arrange neatly. Remove swimming pool covers.
When photographing the front of your house, please make sure all cars are removed from the driveway.